So this weekend was a well-budgeted, fairly relaxing scene. Friday night, post private tutoring, I basically went home to my book. I spoke with my mama on the phone and then went to sleep.
Saturday I woke up really early and attempted AGAIN to take a bus to the Israel House in Centum City where I am supposed to be helping them set up a Holocaust Education exhibit. It is accessible by a train, a long walk and then a city bus. The director told me to take the 181 3 stops past the KT Tower... and he assured me that they would announce that as a stop. First of all, if they did it was in Korean. Second, '3 or 4 stops' is pretty nondescript. I heard no announcement, and ended up in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere. Needless to say, I was a little choked and it was very hot outside. I was a sweaty, overwhelmed mess of a Lu.
I apologized for being a no-show for the second weekend in a row, and asked for more detailed travel directions (Hello! I'm new to this city! I'm not Korean! I'm providing free labour!) and the response was, well, unsatisfying. "A taxi from Centum City is 2,800 kw". So I'm helping you, for free, undertaking a very complicated job that trained professionals (such as myself) would under normal circumstances charge a hefty fee for. Now, I realize that I am new to the field and volunteer experience is necessary in order to contract myself out int he future.. and this space is in an arena that I have loads of experience in as a researcher and a curator. But this is frustrating. I should not have to pay to volunteer.. that is the first thing they teach you in volunteer resource management courses. RED FLAGS?! We'll see. If they could just email me photos of some of the artefacts I could begin my work from home & have an idea of what sort of collection that I am working with... alas.. "There are too many artefacts for that". THEN SEND SOME.
Anyways, Saturday night I napped and then went to Seomyeon to Rock & Roll Bar to meet Jenny. Mark and his friend Brian joined us after. We played Rumi and Poker, then Jenny and I explored Seomyeon at night. LOUD music everywhere, with drunk koreans stumbling or napping in the streets. This man tried to escort us into a club called BLACK FUN! Gimme some of that!
It was another relatively early night, but I still managed to sleep until noon on Sunday. Sunday was another fun board game night at Fully Booked full of delicious Paninis, Lattes, Trivial Pursuit, Catan, Checkers, Jenga... and ofcourse CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY!!! That game is hilarious.
I'm really a fan of this sunday funday business, hoorah! If more cute boys with accents decided to tag along I would not be opposed to that.
But now it's time to walk to work & teach the babies.
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